Author: Richard Barnett

On Friday 24th November 2017, W. Bro. David J Lewin was appointed to the rank of Past Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary, W. Bro. Michael Kind promoted to Past Provincial Junior Grand Warden, W. Bro. Michel Baxter promoted to Past Provincial Grand Registrar and W. Bro. Neville Pritchard promoted to Past Provincial Grand Superintend of Works.

On Monday 20th November 2017, W. Bro. John B Coleman was presented with a certificate  celebrating 50 years in Freemasonry by the Lodge Provincial Liaison Officer, W. Bro. Richard C Moore and the Worshipful Master Bro. Peter Willcocks.

On Monday 16th October 2017, W. Bro. John B Coleman celebrated 50 years in Freemasonry and was congratulated by the Provincial Senior Grand Warden to mark this notable occasion W. Bro. David L Wykes.

A tankard was also presented to W. Bro. John from the Lodge by the Worshipful Master Bro. Peter Willcocks.

On 16th October 2017, W. Bro Michael Kind celebrated 100 years of continued family membership of the Lodge of the Golden Fleece No. 2081. His Great Grandfather W. Bro Thomas John Gooding having joined the Lodge on the 15th October 1917, having formally been a member of the Carl Lindenberg Lodge in Frankfort on Main. All five members of the family have served as Masters of the Lodge:

W. Bro T Gooding 1931

W. Bro Albert O Ward 1945

W. Bro Cyril Kind 1976

W. Bro Paul G Kind 1987

W. Bro J Michael J Kind 1988

W. Bro Kind, on behalf of his whole family now past, presented an engraved DC’s Wand to the Lodge, to be known as “The Anniversary Wand” to be used on all ceremonial occasions by the Lodge.

W. Bro Kind also stated that a very special relationship his family has always had with the Lodge’s younger daughter Lodge, the Lodge of the Argonauts No 8210, his Grandfather, W. Bro Ward having been a principal Founder member, and in view of their 50 Year celebration in March 2018, has also granted full use of the wand to that Lodge, to further mark the occasion.

Picture shows W. Bro. Michael Kind (centre) presenting the “Anniversary Wand” to the Lodge Director of Ceremonies, W. Bro. Ken Utting (left) accompanied by the Worshipful Master, Bro. Peter Willcocks (right).

On Monday 21st March 2016, W. Bro. James R. Williamson celebrated 50 years in Freemasonry and was presented with a certificate marking this notable occasion by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, V.W. Bro. James L. Buckle.

Later in the evening a tankard was presented to W. Bro. Jim by the Worshipful Master, Bro. Peter Davies.

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